Camps & Clinics

Camps & Clinics


SNYL will periodically post information about camps and clinics for all levels of Lacrosse. We don't endorse any particular clinic or camp over another but vet them regarding the level and quality of instruction. Clinics and camps are an excellent way for kids to improve their skills and keep a lacrosse stick in their hands throughout the year. Plus, they are fun!

SNYL runs some clinics itself as well as in conjunction with the SHS girls and boys lacrosse booster clubs. We want our youth to see where they can take their game and want opportunities for HS kids to interact with our youth.

In tandem with our list, Mass Youth Lax (MYL) compiles a list of camps and clinics [HERE]

If you hear about a camp or clinic, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are happy to check it out and we may post it for our lacrosse community (see the request form below).

Camp or Clinic Operators looking to be listed here? Complete a request form [HERE]


Contact Swampscott Youth Lacrosse


Swampscott, MA 01907

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